Teaching ESL

Are you tired of doing the same thing every day? Do you have a Bachelor of Arts or Sciences degree and yet have found yourself doing the same jobs as those of your peers who are unlettered? Tired of worrying every day about applying the right amount of water treatment chemicals in the company lagoon? Well, the world is a big place, and your choices are not nearly as limited as you might believe. In this series of articles, we are going to explore the exciting opportunities offered for those who are interested in teaching English as a Second Language.

Usually when we hear the term ESL it's in reference to being taught. As such, many people have a lot of misconceptions about what teaching ESL actually entails. They think that in order to teach English, you need to be able to speak at least one other language fluently. However, this is not the case at all, and it is something we will explore throughout the series. Let's take a look at what other types of information you will find in these articles.

Getting Started

While it is easier than most people think, there are some preparatory steps people need to take before they can begin teaching ESL. It's not so expensive that you will have to get money for gold jewelry that you put in hock, but you will have to shell out some money for training. We will talk about how much money and time you will need to invest as well as the different schooling options out there.

Selecting a Location

Once you finish up the proper courses, it's time to select a location for your ESL teaching career. While the certificate will open the door to opportunities in many countries, these opportunities are widely different in terms of pay, quality of life, and job positions. In addition, some countries have higher requirements than others of their ESL teachers. For example, teachers must have more experience to teach in the oil rich Middle East than they need in China, home of production of everything from women's T shirts to children's toys. We'll give you some criteria that should aid in your decisions.

Teaching ESL does not necessarily mean you have to take advantage of the fact that you have an international SIM card for your portable communications devices. There are opportunities for ESL teachers in North America, and we will look at those as well.

In fact, over time you may wish to start up an ESL school of your own. It's been done before, and if you are the type who likes to make your own business cards and run your own school, it might be a great economic opportunity for you.

Teaching ESL means breaking away from the mundane and opening the door to a world of opportunity, quite literally. The information in these articles will help you decide if teaching ESL is the right choice for you!

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